Limit indicators (threshold)
Limit indicators are designed to control the value of analog signals. The decrease of the signal below the set minimum value (lower threshold) or the increase above the set maximum value (upper threshold) is indicated by the change of the state of the output relay.
Universal analog separator with switcher-selected signals and two alarm thresholds, universal power supply
Threshold indicator settable with potentiometer
Threshold indicator, 2 threshold outputs, programmable via USB
Universal converter of any standard signal to pulse frequency, PWM duty cycle, with threshold indication, 2 outputs, programmable via USB
On board programmable two-wire 4...20mA digital indication with alarm threshold
Programmable two-wire 4...20mA digital indicator on board with alarm output
Direction of rotation recognition module
5-channel digital limit indicator on board
Circuits separator, converter with digital indicator
Programmable threshold indicator, 2 thresholds
Programmable digital indicator with 4 alarm thresholds, on rail
Programmable digital indicator with 4 alarm thresholds, on board
Showing 1-12 of 23 item(s)